Tuesday 4 December 2007

UCD professor awarded RIA gold medal

Professor George Eogan, emeritus Professor of Celtic Archaeology at University College Dublin - widely regarded as one of Ireland's foremost archaeologists - has been awarded the Royal Irish Academy Gold Medal in the Humanities.

His momentous programme of archaeological work in the Boyne Valley over the course of the last 40 years has transformed our understanding of the passage tombs and the settlement history of the area. As a result, the Boyne Valley was established as a national park and designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

His crucial role in the development of Irish archaeology from the 1960s onwards has received recognition in his appointment to Seanad Éireann, in numerous awards and in membership of bodies such as Academia Europea, the German Archaeological Institute and the Society of Antiquaries, London.

Each year, Royal Irish Academy Gold Medals are presented to two outstanding academics. They are recognised as a truly national expression of celebration for scholarly achievement. The medals are sponsored by the Higher Education Authority and the Irish Independent.


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