Tuesday 15 January 2008

Irish greenhouse gas emissions down slightly in 2006

Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions fell by almost 1% in 2006, according to the latest figures from the Environmental Protection Agency.

The EPA says the figure equates to a reduction of almost 600,000 tonnes.

However, Irish emissions would have actually increased if it wasn't for the fact that the Moneypoint power station was not in use at the time due to improvement works.

A breakdown of the figures show that farm emissions were down 1.4% during 2006, but transport emissions were up by 5.2%.

Total emissions for the year were just under 70 million tonnes, which is 25.5% above 1990 levels.

Under the Kyoto treaty, Ireland will face financial penalties if emissions are not reduced to 13% above 1990 levels within the next four years.

Irish Independent


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