Wednesday 9 January 2008

Water scheme crisis halts development in Kenmare

THE need for adequate water and sewerage schemes in Kenmare has been highlighted by a decision of An Bord Pleanála to refuse planning permission for a 14-house development in the fast-growing tourist town, it emerged yesterday.

A halt has been put to any further development in the town until water and sewerage services are upgraded.

According to An Bord Pleanála inspector Robert Ryan, there is “virtually no capacity whatsoever” in relation to these services.

“To continue granting permission in the absence of such capacity is only likely to create major problems similar to that which has occurred elsewhere,” he pointed out.

Mr Ryan said even though the 14-house scheme proposed by local developers Tinal Electrial Ltd was relatively small, it would be premature due to the lack of infrastructural services in the area.

An Bord Pleanála accepted the inspector’s recommendations to refuse planning, stating it would be prejudicial to public health.

Kerry County Council, which had already turned down a planning application for the houses, is due to start work on a new €12 million water scheme in Kenmare this year.

The current water scheme has been in place for more than 50 years and a new scheme is necessary if Kenmare is to develop, according to council engineers.

The council also has plans to upgrade the town’s sewerage scheme.

Kenmare has seen rapid expansion since the 1990s, with upwards of 1,000 houses either being built, or being planned, for the town and its environs. This includes a large number of holiday homes.

Last year, Bord Pleanála turned down planning for a multi-million euro Peninsula development, in Kenmare, which included 300 residential units, a 3,400 sq metre shopping complex and a 260-space car park.

Almost 150 objections were lodged against the proposal which would have fronted onto Henry Street, in the heart of the town.

Traffic congestion and an inadequate water supply in Kenmare were among the chief reasons for the refusal.

Meanwhile, all development in Kenmare has been effectively put on hold by the council until the new water scheme is provided from the River Sheen.

Irish Examiner

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