Monday 4 February 2008

Dublin airport expansion

Madam, - Your Editorial of February 1st highlighted Dublin's traffic woes, while An Irishman's Diary chided Dublin Airport's propaganda for suggesting that its new Terminal 2 and Pier D would be nicely under-populated. The facts are very different.

Dublin Airport plans to expand its capacity threefold to 60 million passengers a year, with horrendous implications for Dublin traffic. The proposed Metro will handle only a fraction of the extra numbers while the rest will just add catastrophically to the woes you mention in your Editorial.

On August 30th last year another Editorial said a second airport, further away from the city, should have been considered. It called on the Government to ensure that the very expensive new runway and new terminal projects were subjected to proper scrutiny to ensure that what was being planned is in the public interest.

That has still not happened. - Yours, etc,

MATTHEW HARLEY, Portmarnock Community Association, Portmarnock, Co Dublin.

The Irish Times

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