Tuesday 11 March 2008

Dunne tower had 'positive aspects'

DUBLIN City Council planners could not grant developer Sean Dunne permission for his 37-storey landmark tower at Ballsbridge because of a lack of policy governing high-rise buildings.

Internal documents also show that the city's planners considered the scheme "high quality, carefully considered, innovative and creative".

While the office tower "could be said to be desirable", it was "not permissible" under the site's zoning. A "lack of sufficient policy support", meanwhile, had ruled out the 132-metre tower in Dublin 4, "despite many positive aspects".

Mr Dunne and local residents are expected to appeal the decision, which saw planning permission granted for most of the site. Mr Dunne wants An Bord Pleanala to rule that the 37-storey tower should be allowed, while residents want the whole scheme refused.

Local TD Lucinda Creighton (FG) said the development "completely ignored" the high-rise strategy for Dublin, and added that she would be mounting an appeal.

Paul Melia

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