Monday 14 April 2008

Incinerator hearing begins in Dublin

A hearing over plans for an incinerator in Dublin began this morning.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is hearingobjections and concerns about its proposed decision to grant Dublin City Council a licence to operate the plant at Poolbeg, Dublin 4.

If approved, the site will be permitted to deal with some 600,000 tonnes of residual non-hazardous waste every year.

The council was last year granted permission by An Bord Pleanála to build the incinerator, despite strong opposition from local groups and politicians including the former minister for justice Michael McDowell and Green Party TD John Gormley, before his appointment as Minister for Environment.

The EPA said a total of 18 valid submissions were received from third parties, of which 14 were objections, including one from the applicant.

The EPA received 14 objections to the granting of a licence, with Labour Party TD Ruairí Quinn, Sinn Féin MEP Mary Lou McDonald and Mr Gormley's party colleague Ciarán Cuffe, among the objectors. Each of the 14 are entitled to speak at the hearing.

Anyone who lodged a valid objection has a right to attend and participate fully at the hearing, which is open to the public in the Gresham Hotel. The Combined Residents Against the Incinerator (CRAI) are holding a protest outside the hotel this morning.

After the hearing, a report and recommendation will be submitted to the EPA Board where a final decision on whether or not to grant a licence will be made.

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