An Bord Pleanála has upheld two planning rejections in Newtownmountkennedy after appeals were lodged against Wicklow County Council's decision to refuse permission last year. The appeals involved a business and enterprise building (to include a country market) and a separate application for motor car showrooms, both at Mountkennedy Demesne. In August of last year, Wicklow County Council refused Harvieston Ltd permission for a business and enterprise building consisting of an indoor country market, own-door starter employment units, enterprise units, childcare facility, food hall and kitchen, food business development units, toilet facilities along with parking and set down areas, relocation of existing pumping station along with ancillary site development works and services. In turning down the application, planners maintained that the development would be contrary to the zoning objective and overall vision for this action area.
Read the full article @ The Wicklow People