Friday 24 May 2024

Housing Commission report - Ireland needs to build better and faster

 A leaked report from the Housing Commission has called for a massive ramping up of the State’s involvement in the housing sector, arguing a State “funding anchor” is needed for fundamental and systemic failings in the market to be addressed. New legislation, a new oversight body for housing, an expanded role for the State in funding housing, and overhauling of subsidies and schemes are among the recommendations from the Housing Commission’s report. Sections of the report seen by The Irish Times criticise interventions that have “not resolved failures that are fundamentally systemic” and outline a pattern of “ineffective decision making and reactive policymaking where risk aversion dominates”. It suggests there is an underlying housing deficit in Ireland of up to 256,000 homes.

Read the full article @ The Irish Times

Article uploaded by BPS Planning & Development Consultants

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