Thursday 17 April 2008

Senator is criticised by Council over Arklow sewage plant

BRAY'S Senator Deirdre de Burca has been taken to task by Arklow Town Council for comments made about the long-awaited sewage treatment plant for the South Wicklow town.

The Green Party's unsuccessful General Election candidate was the target of much ire at last week's meeting of the Town Council.

According to Cllr. Peter Dempsey the Senator was being very evasive when questioned in a radio interview about the progress made in efforts to replace the current sewage system, which sees raw sewage still being pumped straight into the sea, but did however make a comment that the issue was almost resolved.

'What I want to know is, is there something in the pipeline that we don't know anything about and should we write to Senator de Burca to seek clarification?' he asked.

Town Manager Bryan Doyle said that the matter was not resolved as this stage.

'It is quite clear that we are winning but we are also losing,' he said, in reference to how the Council has won a number of court decisions, only to then see them appealed.

'We are being chased through hoops and there could be another challenge in the future,' he added.

Cllr. Nicky Kelly said that comments such as those of Senator de Burca are only building false hope for the people of Arklow.

Bray People

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