Monday 11 December 2023

Plans lodged to build 95 new homes in Arklow

Growing numbers of housing estate planning applications in County Wicklow. Pressures grow on existing infrastructure including the Arklow to Dublin rail line. Article this week in the Wicklow People.

"A new plan to build 95 homes in Arklow has been lodged with Wicklow County Council’s planning department. The planning application from Russelstown Property Development Ltd seeks permission to construct 71 semi-detached and terrace houses with two, three and four bedrooms, together with 24 apartments in six blocks and a creche at a site on Ballyraine Upper. The proposed development also includes the provision of open spaces, roads, footpaths, connection to services and all associated ancillary site development works. The site consists of 4.12 hectares adjacent to the M11 motorway,. The site is bonded to the north by the Woodlands Park Road, which has no immediate relevance to the proposed development other than there will be a pedestrian access to the estate".

Read the full article @ The Wicklow People
Article uploaded by BPS Planning & Development Consultants LTD

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