Sunday 6 January 2008

Creche plans for Noble’s eco-house

CHARITY boss Christina Noble has abandoned plans to use a state-of-the-art eco-house in Dublin to replicate her work sheltering homeless young people in Asian slums.

Instead, Christina Noble Children’s Foundation has asked permission to turn the timber-frame home at the foothills of the Dublin Mountains into a creche.

When the house was originally given approval by South Dublin County Council four years ago it was intended to provide a halfway house for homeless teenagers.

However, since it was erected, the award-winning eco-house has sat idle on the site in Firhouse, Dublin 24.

Yesterday, charity spokesman John Goulding said despite managing to erect the home in just 15 days, protracted difficulties had held up the project and the foundation was looking forward to the “finish-line” with a different scheme in mind.

“As it turned out there was a significant need for childcare especially among disadvantaged families and this fits in very much with the local development plan and our work,” said Mr Goulding.

The house was donated by Century Homes, now Kingspan Century, after it was showcased at a building exhibition in the RDS in 2004.

Last year it won an award for its environmental design, which is largely self-heating and runs with virtually no utility bills.

The foundation was hoping to receive planning permission to change its intended use and carry out some structural modifications before Christmas.

However, South Dublin County Council said it was unhappy with the amount of information it received and asked the foundation to elaborate on its plans.

This file has now been submitted to the council and it is awaiting a response.

Irish Examiner

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