Friday 11 January 2008

Mayor warns minister to keep his hands off Kerry

THE Mayor of Kerry has launched a scathing attacking on the Environment Minister and has accused him of flying in the face of democracy.

Cllr Michael Healy-Rae was commenting on plans by Minister John Gormley to curtail rural developments by prohibiting the development of more than 12 houses in villages of less than 400 people.

"This flies in the face of the democratic elected local government structures that are so cherished in this country," Mayor Healy-Rae complained.

"We have the most centralised government structures in Europe and our minister wishes to reduce powers of local councillors and authorities even further," he added.

In an open letter to the minister, a copy of which has been sent to The Kingdom, the Mayor of Kerry said that it was the council's duty under the 2000 Planning and Development Act to draw up local area plans in consultation with local interest groups and planners.

"These are some of the most hotly debated meetings that take place with the remit of local authority.

"The Local Area Plan is a legal document and a public statement of planning policies. It sets out a strategy for the proper planning and sustainable development of an area," Cllr Healy-Rae stated.

"The plan seeks to provide a framework for how a town can develop and provides some ideas as to how this development can be achieved," he added.

Under the current arrangement in Kerry, local area plans can examine what new developments are needed and where public and private resources are required.

"We in Kerry County Council have strived at all times to build communities where the necessary infrastructures are in place," Mayor Healy-Rae insisted.

"We must at all times be awareof the effect of largescale development on the facilities necessary to maintain a vibrant community, we must at all times seek to maintain the necessary infrastructure that make up a community, access to schools, shops and recreational areas," he added.

"As a democratically elected representative of the people I am telling Minster Gormley to keep his hands off the powers of local authorities and the elected councillors."

Mary Murphy
The Kingdom

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