Saturday, 19 December 2009

Wicklow County Council Murrough motion is defeated

A MOTION aiming to protect the Murrough and prevent the proposed Multimetal Scrap Metal recycling facility from basing itself at the scenic location was soundly defeated when it came before the town council.

The notice of motion by Cllr. Kavanagh came before the elected members of Wicklow Town Council at December's meeting.

Cllr. Kavanagh called for the town council and county council to commit to developing a management plan for the Murrough, Broadlough and Wicklow Head, and to protect, respect and enhance the ecological sensitivity of these areas.

While most councillors seemed in agreement with these sentiments, they were opposed to the final part of the notice calling for the town council to make clear its objections to the proposed Multimetals development, and any industrial process that would create pollution and noise.

The motion was defeated by 7 votes to 2.

Wicklow People

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