Thursday, 13 February 2025

Plans lodged with An Bord Pleanala for second section of transformative public transport corridor in Galway City

 Plans have been lodged with An Bord Pleanala for the second and final section of a transformative public transport corridor in Galway City. Galway City Council has already secured permission for the first section of the Cross City Link, stretching from College Road towards UHG in Newcastle. It aims to transform public transport and active travel – making them more viable by offering more bus lanes, cycle lanes and pedestrian facilities. Now an application has been lodged for the final section that stretches from Dublin road at Moneenageisha to Doughiska. At this point it’s estimated that the works will be completed around 2028. Councillor Alan Cheevers says an assurance has been given that new traffic lights at Merlin Park will be a priority in the Dublin Road section.

Read the full article @ The Connaught Tribune 

Article uploaded by BPS Planning Consultants 

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