Thursday, 13 February 2025

Waterford councillors seek judicial review of An Bord Pleanála

 A group of Waterford councillors are initiating judicial review proceedings against An Bord Pleanála. This was revealed by Labour Councillor Thomas Phelan at the February Dungarvan/Lismore District meeting of Waterford City and County Council held yesterday (Monday). Councillor Phelan has received support from Independent Councillor Joe O'Riordan and Sinn Féin Councillor Kate O'Mahoney. Speaking to WLR, Councillor Phelan said he is "convinced" An Bord Pleanála is "overstepping the boundaries of what legislation allows them to do"."They are stepping on the toes of councillors and taking powers away which legislation sets out for us," he claimed. "It's about time councillors stand up and say 'you have certain rights, we have certain rights'." Councillor Phelan explained the issue revolves around Section 254 of planning legislation. He claims this allows An Bord Pleanála "to overturn councillors when they reject planning applications for telecommunications infrastructure".

Read the full article here.

Article uploaded by BPS Planning Consultants 

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