Monday 15 January 2007


It is proposed to rezone the lands from:
‘OS’: ‘To preserve and provide for open space and recreational amenities’ to
‘RS’: ‘To provide for residential development and to protect and improve residential amenity’

It is also proposed to include local objective:- ‘To facilitate the development of 3 No. houses on these lands’

The reason for the proposed variation is to provide for the development of 3 No. houses on these lands.

Objections or representations, with respect to the draft of the proposed Variation made in writing to Fingal County Council within the said period Wednesday 3rd January, 2007 to 5.00 pm Wednesday 31st January, 2007 will be taken into consideration by the Council before the making of the Variation of the Development Plan.

Such representations or objections should be addressed to: Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Fingal County Council, County Hall, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin. Alternatively, they can be emailed to

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