Monday 19 November 2007

Gormley tells Shell to repair bog damage

Environment Minister John Gormley yesterday told Shell and its contractors that they must repair damage done to a special conservation area during unauthorised works for the Corrib Gas Pipeline.

Mr Gormley issued a ministerial direction instructing Shell and RPS Consultant Engineers to repair any damage to the protected Glenamoy bog complex at Glengad, Mayo.

Drilling and borehole installation were carried out at the site last month by RPS, who had been hired by Shell E&P Ireland to select a modified route for the Corrib gas pipeline.

"The actions of the Shell contractors in entering a Special Area of Conservation and carrying out works without authorisation are of serious concern to me," he said. "I find it unacceptable that this has occurred... when my department has been making efforts to keep in communication with Shell."

Irish Independent

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