Tuesday 27 July 2010

Metro and DART plans still on but Luas stalls

METRO North and the DART underground will go ahead as planned -- but there is no money to build Luas extensions, expand the inter-city rail fleet or buy any new buses.

The public transport programme, on which €5.7bn will be spent up to 2016, will focus more on railway safety and planning than actually delivering the Transport 21 programme.

Gone is the rail-link to Navan and the extensions to the Luas network. The Western Rail Corridor from Tuam to Claremorris has also been put on hold.

While the new DIT campus will go ahead, there's no money to build the Luas Broombridge extension to serve it.

The Government has also ruled out expanding existing Luas lines because passenger numbers are falling.

But Metro North, which is to cost €3.7bn, and the DART underground (€2bn) are priorities. However, both projects depend on government approval.

There will also be continued investment in cycling routes.

Paul Melia
Irish Independent


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