Wednesday 4 August 2010

Planning and Development (amendment) Act 2010 signed into law

The President's website notes that the Planning and Development (amendment) Act 2010 was signed into law last Monday 26th July 2010 (with no major fanfare from the press) or indeed confirmation from the Oireachtas or DoE's own website.

Albeit the various sections of the Act are not yet activated as they await commencement order(s) by the Minister, the Act is now officially law. Planning legislation should therefore now be referred to as the 'Planning & Development Acts 2000 to 2010'.

Both the Oireachtas and Irish Statute Book websites state that an online copy of the act is not yet available. However, the last version of the Bill (as passed by the Dáil) is available to download here:

When finally published online, the Act should be available in PDF format here:

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