Monday 12 September 2011

Planning board gives permission for Lidl headquarters in Tallaght

Discount supermarket chain Lidl has been granted planning permission by An Bord Pleanála to build its new Irish headquarters.

The planning board upheld an earlier decision by South Dublin County Council to approve planning permission for the 21,000sq m site on the Main Street in Tallaght, but with a number of conditions.

Permission was granted for a period of five years from the date of the order, as opposed to the 10-year period initially requested. Lidl is also required to contribute financially to the proposed development of Metro West.

In 2009 Lidl lodged an application with the council for an ambitious mixed-use development at the former Metal Powders International Factory site, which included more than 100 apartments and residential units as well as a creche, offices and cafe. That application was withdrawn in early 2010, and the company applied for permission for a more commercially-focused development.

Irish Times

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