Tuesday 1 November 2011

Height of children's hospital plan defended

THE DEVELOPERS of the proposed national children’s hospital have rejected suggestions that the 16-storey development could scupper Dublin’s chances of securing Unesco World Heritage Site designation.

Architects representing the hospital development board have told a Bord Pleanála hearing on the proposed facility that such claims were “scare stories” and the site of the development on the grounds of the Mater hospital, Dublin may not even be included in the application for world heritage status.

Shane O’Toole, an architect and architectural critic, told the hearing that having a tall building affecting views in the city did not preclude Dublin having world heritage status.

Mary Gallagher, representing a number of local residents who have concerns about loss of daylight if the 16-storey building goes ahead, said the development was so hemmed in by other structures that its “iconic landmark” aspect would be lost. “It’s like trying to put a two-pint bottle into a pint bottle,” she said.

Irish Times


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