Friday 31 March 2017

Nationwide planning aid for third parties and communities faced with objecting to planning applications

Brendan Buck maintains a planning aid service for individuals and communities faced with objecting to planning applications of all sizes. Please contact Brendan on 087-2615871 or email to obtain:

§  answers to questions people often ask about planning

§  clear, simple explanations of how the planning system works

§  signposting on where to go next

§  Information is provided on all aspects of the planning system including national policy, plan making, the planning application process, enforcement and appeals.

If, having contacted Brendan you still need help, our planning aid service offers a limited amount of free, general planning advice ('limited' means up to 15 minutes' advice by email).

Brendan is a professionally qualified planning advisor and is happy to answer enquiries on any planning-related issues in Ireland. He responds to respond to approx. 200 queries a month on a range of topics including how to comment on planning applications, the planning process, planning appeals and enforcement.

Brendan’s advice is professional and independent and is a key method to help people to engage in the planning process.

Please be aware that:

1.  We don't provide pre-application advice about a specific site or planning application - you'll need to contact your local planning authority for this.

2.  We don't provide free advice to other professionals (e.g. architects, surveyors). Professional advice is subject to professional fees.

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