Sunday 23 March 2008

Luas could yet join with DART

The option to extend the Luas to the front of the Dart station has been left open by Councillors approving a variation to the Town Development Plan at last week's meeting of Bray Town Council. This is an important piece of infrastructure,' said Cllr. Ciarán O'Brien. Bray will be one of the best served towns in the country.'

The option to extend the Luas to the front of the Dart station has been left open by Councillors approving a variation to the Town Development Plan at last week's meeting of Bray Town Council.

This is an important piece of infrastructure,' said Cllr. Ciarán O'Brien. Bray will be one of the best served towns in the country.'

Cllr. Pat Vance remarked that with so many negatives being bandied about, it should be recognised that the Luas will be a marvellous development in the centre of the town.' Cllr. John McManus welcomed the variation, saying that while development of the Luas would bring problems, but problems that could be solved.

Cllr. John Brady said that Irish Rail should address the condition of the station, to which the Cathaoirleach responded that the Town Clerk had written to the company asking that a full and proper refurbishment of the area be carried out. Cllr. Pat Vance asked that a representative from Irish Rail come to the Council.

Any derelict buildings will be full after the Luas comes to Bray,' said Cllr. Collins. It will be fantastic for tourism and business.'

Meanwhile, Cllr. Caroline Burrell insisted that an associated reference to a faster bus service' should be changed to frequent and more efficient'.

Bray People

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