Tuesday 21 July 2009

Multi-million euro facelift for seafront

BRAY SEAFRONT is in for a major facelift with multi-million euro plans to redevelop both Dawson's and the Star amusements with shops, restaurants, apartments and a crèche.

Owners Brian and Gerry Freeney said the development may do for the southern end of Bray Seafront what the Pavillions Scheme has done for Dun Laoghaire.

'At best we would hope for work to start in around a year and a half after the planning process,' said planning consultant Brendan Buck.

He added that construction would be expected to take around two years.

'The Freeneys would make every effort to employ local people through the whole process,' he said.

The owners, who have lodged two planning applications with the town council, plan to demolish the currently empty Dawson building and replace it with a mixed use development.

The Star building is to be retained and renovated to coordinate with the adjoining Dawson's scheme.

Bray Town Council designated the sites 'opportunity sites', back in 2004.

In a statement, the owners said that the benefits to Bray would be significant and include addressing the currently derelict and 'unattractive' Dawson's building, providing employment, and making Bray more attractive for new residents and tourists.

' This is an opportunity to upgrade this area of the seafront,' said the Freeneys. ' The scheme and its design represent years of hard work and it is hoped this scheme can be constructed quickly and provide local employment at a time when it is badly needed.'

Mr. Buck added that the Freeneys and their team have been working on the plans for the past four years.

While admitting that the plans do contravene the Bray Development Plan, Mr. Buck said that they will be actively seeking a material contravention. He explained that under standard B2 zoning they would fall just about in accordance with the plan but that the unusual 'opportunity status', put some restrictions in place that actually make the process slightly more difficult.

A scale model of the development is on display in Bray Town Council offices.

Bray People


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