Thursday 31 July 2008

Bord's no to building in hospital car park

DEVELOPER NOEL Smyth's Wexele Ltd has lost its bid to build 80 apartments on a seafront car park at St Michael's Hospital on Crofton Road in Dún Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

An Bord Pleanála upheld a decision by Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to refuse permission for the apartments and two shops on a surface car park to the rear of the hospital.

The planning board ruled that the development, which would have ranged from six to eight storeys and be located opposite Dún Laoghaire Harbour, "would constitute an overly dominant and oppressive appearance on the streetscape". It said the site is in a "sensitive and prominent position" on Crofton Road, "an area of diverse architectural styles" and its bulk, scale and massing "would result in overlooking and loss of privacy of adjoining properties".

It also said the loss of the car park would result in an underprovision of car-parking space in the area, as well as overlooking and loss of privacy to adjoining properties.

A concurrent planning application by Smyth's company to refurbish and extend the nurses' home on Eblana Avenue, beside the Sisters of Mercy convent, and turn it into 31 apartments is still under appeal with the board.

The Irish Times

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