Thursday 19 July 2007

Million homes will need an energy certificate

ALMOST a million Irish homes are poorly insulated and energy inefficient - and their owners will have to fork out €300 in less than two years' time to get an energy certificate if they want to sell them.

The renewable energy organisation, Renewable Energy Skills Accel Project (RES), claimed yesterday that Irish households are wasting millions of euro each year on heating poorly insulated homes. The situation was unlikely to improve without Government intervention.


The association said that the provision of grant aid to the owners of houses built prior to the introduction of the 1997 building regulations would help improve energy efficiency.

A Government eco-energy rating system for all new houses started last January. From January 1, 2009, energy certificates will be required to sell or let all homes.

Owners who do not have a certificate will have to engage an energy consultant to rate the property at an estimated cost of €300. Their report will enable the owner to improve the rating by carrying out a range of works.

The Government programme promises to introduce a national attic and wall insulation grant worth €100.

RES chairman and Ennis town councillor Johnny Flynn said two-thirds of Irish homes - one million in total - were extremely poorly insulated.

"If this Government is serious about significantly reducing overall carbon emissions, as set out under the recently launched Government White Paper, then it must address the disastrous situation," he said.

Treacy Hogan
Irish Independent

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