Monday 26 January 2009

Dublin City Development Plan

Dublin City Council has announced that intends to review the Dublin City Development Plan 2005-2011 and prepare a new City Development Plan for its functional area.

The Planning Authority will carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment [SEA] as part of the review process and, for this purpose, the Planning Authority will also prepare an environmental report on the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the new plan.

The Dublin City Development Plan is a scheme for creating a sustainable and vibrant city in the context of a strategy for a Greater Dublin. The plan focuses on developing the core area of the city and protecting the future of the city centre as the heart of the region.

To assist this process, an ‘Issues’ booklet, which identifies the kind of planning issues that the next City Development Plan could address, has been prepared.

For more information and/or to submit an observation contact bps on 0404-66060 or email

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