Wednesday 7 January 2009

Full steam ahead for Navan rail link despite downturn

IARNROD Eireann is to press ahead with plans for a €580m rail link from Navan to Dublin despite the economic downturn.

Yesterday it revealed the route of the 34km line which will link the capital with Navan by 2015, assuming the project goes ahead.

The track will run along the old alignment of Consilla to Navan line which closed in 1963 -- apart from two options to serve the town of Dunshauglin.

Iarnrod Eireann proposes either building a station on the old alignment, about 1.8km from the town, which would allow a park-and-ride site to be built, or, alternatively, a station 800 metres from the town.

The costs of building the station closer to the town centre would be higher because of land prices.

The first phase of the project involves reopening 7.5km of railway line running off the Maynooth line, at Clonsilla, to the M3 interchange at Pace, north of Dunboyne.

The project is expected to be completed next year.

The proposed scheme, or phase two, consists of extension of the Clonsilla to Pace project with the building of 34km of double track.

Four stations are proposed as part of the project at Dunshaughlin, Kilmessan, Navan Town Centre and a terminus station at the north edge of Navan.

Irish Independent

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