Tuesday 30 June 2009

Residents launch campaign to protect urban farm

RESIDENTS IN south Dublin have once again launched a campaign to help protect urban farm, Airfield, from new road proposals.

The 35-acre estate, which was bequeathed in trust to the people of Dublin by the Overend sisters, has been under threat from developers and road builders intermittently over the last 10 years. According to Friends of Airfield, the current threat is contained in the draft DĂșn Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Development Plan 2010-2016. The plan includes an objective to investigate providing a “public transport corridor” along a route from the Drummartin Link Road to Dundrum Town Centre.

Two years ago, a similar proposal was rejected by councillors on the grounds it would have encroached on the lower fields of the estate. Friends of Airfield have called on councillors to reject the latest objective.

Submissions to the council on all aspects of the draft development plan close next Friday, July 3rd.

Irish Times


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