Sunday 18 February 2007


Cavan County Council intends to prepare a Local Area Plan for the town of Belturbet. Section 20 of the Planning & Development Acts 2000 - 2004 requires the Planning Authority to consult with the public before preparing a draft Local Area Plan. Among the key issues to be addressed by the Draft Local Area Plan for Belturbet are:

* Regional Planning Guidelines for the Border Region
* Zoning
* Enterpriseand Employment
* Transportation
* Built and Natural Heritage
* Residential Development
* Recreation, Leisure and Tourism
* Infrastructure
* Urban Design
* Local Facilities

From 8th of February 2007 until 8th of March 2007, a map outlining the lands included in the Draft Local Area Plan Study Boundary is available at the following locations during normal opening hours :-

* Planning Department, Farnham Centre, Farnham Street, Cavan Town
* Belturbet Area Office, Creeny, Belturbet
* Belturbet Public Library, Town Hall, Belturbet
* and 24 hours a day.

Cavan County Council hereby invites any member of the public or interested parties to make submissions or observations, in writing, with regard to the preparation of this Draft Local Area Plan to

Forward Planning Section, Planning Department, Cavan County Council, Farnham Centre, Farnham Street, Cavan Town before 5.00 p.m. on 8th of March 2007.

Any submissions or observations so made will be taken into consideration by the Council prior to the preparation of the Draft Local Area Plan.

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