Friday 30 May 2008

Carlton site redevelopment

Madam, - The Moore Street Traders Committee represents all the street's market traders and is elected annually.

We were disappointed to read Matt Doyle of the National Graves Association (May 27th) suggesting that the proposed Carlton site redevelopment would spell the end of one of Dublin's most famous streets.

We have been working closely with the people behind the Carlton project for the past 18 months because our future and the market's future depends on this development going ahead. The current Moore Street is dilapidated and unattractive and, contrary to what Mr Doyle thinks, ordinary Dubliners and tourists are getting fewer and fewer.

We treasure our national monument but we also welcome development. We have seen the plans for the development and the monument has pride of place in a newly rejuvenated Moore Street market. This is good for the city. - Yours, etc,

MARGARET HANWAY, ERNIE BEGGS, TOM HOLBROOK, MARY LEECH, Moore Street Traders, Moore Street, Dublin 1 .

The Irish Times

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