Thursday 22 May 2008

Windfarm rejected for Arroo mountains

A proposed windfarm in a designated "Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" on the Arroo mountain range in north Leitrim has been blocked by An Bord Pleanála.

The Arroo mountains, which feature blanket bog, heathland, wooded ravines and steep limestone cliffs, are a breeding ground for peregrine falcons and golden plover.

The board found that the development, comprising of 12 turbines measuring 80m in height and with rotor blades measuring 45m in length, would be a prominent and obtrusive feature in the landscape, would be "highly visible" locally and would spoil the view.

Leckanarainey Windfarm Limited, Old Schoolhouse, Lower Rosses, Rosses Point, Co Sligo, had appealed against a decision made by Leitrim County Council last November to refuse permission for the windfarm.

Irish Times

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