Wednesday 13 August 2008

€20m theatre goes for red in Olympic-style light-up

A NEW €20m theatre will light up during performances, using technology featured at this year's Olympics in Beijing.

The outer walls of the 600-seater Ryan Maynooth Centre in Co Kildare, pictured left in an artist's impression, will be illuminated in red and be seen for miles around.

Dublin-based Smith and Kennedy won the contract to design the project, which will use the ground-breaking ETFE foil technology. ETFE technology was used in the design of Beijing National Aquatics Centre. Architect Joe Kennedy said: "The theatre building will turn red when the theatre is in use, signalling to the community that something is happening. This will allow the theatre to communicate with its public through projection."

Construction is due to begin next year on the facility, which includes a 600-seat public theatre with a floor area of over 4,000 square metres.

The project will also include a separate student theatre space, tutorial rooms, rehearsal rooms, training studios, offices and media facilities alongside a public exhibition space, restaurant and bar facilities.

The unusual design of the new theatre, which is named after the late businessman Cathal Ryan, is expected to help attract major performances from both Ireland and abroad.

Senan Hogan
Irish Independent

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