Thursday 28 August 2008

Council rejects residential schemes in Cabinteely

DÚN LAOGHAIRE-Rathdown County Council has refused planning permission for two residential schemes on the Old Bray Road, Cabinteely, Co Dublin.

The Cards Partnership was proposing a scheme of 127 apartments and duplexes on the grounds of Ards and Cartref, two houses that they were looking to demolish. The development would have been in four blocks rising to five storeys.

The council said that the existing road network doesn't have the capacity to cater for the scale and density of development and that the applicant had not demonstrated that the proposed development can be accommodated at this location.

It added that the scale and density would result in "unacceptable traffic congestion" in Cabinteely village.

In July 2005 the partnership paid a total of €8.9 million for the 2.85-acre site when it bought two adjoining houses on the Old Bray Road.

Cornick Developments was also refused permission by the council for an 82-unit residential scheme on a site on the Old Bray Road.

According to the council, because the site occupies a very prominent position overlooking the N11, "a high quality, imaginative and site specific design" would be required in order "to successfully accommodate a new development into the existing streetscape. In this instance the planning authority is not satisfied that these criteria have been met."

The Irish Times

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