Sunday 17 June 2007


Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 34 (6) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 as amended that Westmeath County Council intends to consider deciding to grant permission for

Construction of a Retail Park with linked buildings forming a u-shaped block, surrounding a primary & secondary car parking area providing 915 spaces and 180 bicycle spaces, containing 10 retail warehouse units, including an anchor store with associated garden centre. The Retail Park incorporates a 2 storey administration office area, a restaurant unit and 3 no. ATM's. A free standing single storey coffee shop building is located adjacent to the secondary car park. The development includes new road infrastructure extending from the existing infrastructure in Athlone Business Park, a perimeter service roadway accessing loading areas, boundary fencing, a pumping station, security building, backlit building signage, free standing totem pole signage, an entrance sign at the Old Dublin Road and landscaping

The development would contravene materially the following objective of the Development Plan: namely

1. The site is zoned for light industrial use

Particulars of the development may be inspected at the:

Planning Office, Athlone Area Office, Westmeath County Council, Civic Centre, Church Street, Athlone, Co.Westmeath.

Any submission or observation as regards the making of a decision to grant permission received not later than 4 weeks after the 29th May, 2007 will be duly considered by the planning authority.

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