Sunday 17 June 2007


Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 11 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Article 13b of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2000 that Carlow County Council, being the Planning Authority for the administrative area of Carlow (excluding the urban district of Carlow) intends to review the existing 2003 County Development Plan and prepare a new Development Plan.

The Planning Authority proposes to carry out an environmental assessment as part of the review of the existing Development Plan and the preparation of a new Development Plan. For this purpose the Planning Authority will prepare an environmental report of the likely significant effects on the environment of implementing the new plan. The provisions of article 13C to 13J of the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations shall apply.

The Development Plan is the main statement of planning policies for Carlow County. It sets out the land use, amenity and development objectives and policies of the Planning Authority for a six year period. It consists of a written statement of objectives, together with accompanying maps and diagrams.

Written submissions and observations in relation to the review of the 2003 Development Plan and preparation of a new Plan are invited during this initial public consultation period until 5 p.m. on Friday 3rd August, 2007. Further opportunities for public participation will occur following the publication of a draft development plan.

Submissions or observations may be made in writing to the Senior Executive Officer, Planning Department, Carlow County Council, Athy Road, Carlow or by email to

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